Advantage of Patient Portal in Personal Health Records

 Today patients have multiple health concerns and hospital visits have become their monthly routine. Remembering all the medical details and tracking the records is turned out to be a new challenge. Personal Health Records is a powerful tool to manage patient health and pharmacy details were filed directly into an accessible location.

Do you have a physical folder filed with medical papers? If yes, then you already have basic level personal health records. The same goes with Electronic Personal Health Records when records are stored digitally and accessibility is available 24/7. In paper records, we cannot have them regularly but digital records help patients to see medical records anywhere with a single patient portal page.

Basic Medical Details

Personal Health Records have all the details required for a patient and a doctor to control health metrics. It includes hereditary information, allergies, and their types, medications history, etc. All these are handled by doctors and patient can add details via the patient portal what responsibilities they take to prevent disease and stay healthy like exercise habits, health goals, blood sugar, and pressure readings.

Patient Portal

  • Personal Health Records (PHR) is tied with Electronic Health Record is called as a patient portal where EHR is maintained by doctors and healthcare companies.  From EHR basic details were gathered and displayed in PHR and if the more detailed specification of medication and treatment is only available in EHR software.
  • With the purpose of helping a patient during a medical emergency, certain basic information is added to their respective PHR so current medical conditions, allergies, organ donor, medications, emergency contacts, and blood type.

Manage Health between the Visits

  • Health management between the hospital visits emphasizes self-management techniques. By uploading the daily data from home monitoring devices helps to analyse the patient's critical level and how far they reached in the health graph from the last visit and how new medication contributes to it.  
  • Chronic patients are required to visit the hospital weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly based on the risk factors. Once details were entered into Personal Health Records, it suggests the doctor change the assessment plan with proper instruction.

Patients can learn about their disease and medication process through education material provided in Personal Health Records. By learning from it, they become conscious and take serious efforts to coordinate with doctors. Patient Portal helps any patient to understand clinical summary, medication list, lab results, and messaging platform to reach doctors to discuss their daily monitoring.


  1. Great stuff, thanks! Develop patient portal really brings many benefits to healthcare.

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